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Arcade1up Retro Shooter Integration Kit


Full installation instructions for the Street Fighter Gen 1 cab: 


 Specific Notes for other installs that differ from the video above.

Mortal Kombat Legacy - See Video below:

1. The extension posts for mounting the encoder board is not required. Two screws at the top of the encoder board into the A1up posts works fine.

2. Joysticks are connected via our splitter cables and plugged into the appropriate UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ports on the encoder board.

3. The stock speakers are connected to our Speaker Cable adapter that plugs into the encoder board Speaker port.

4. Button wire extension cables are provided if some buttons are tight to fit into the appropriate ports on the encoder board.



PLEASE NOTE: Since this video was made, Retro Shooter has updated their gun kit to require 4 IR modules - all four corners. We have been including 4 IRs in all kits since their announcement. If you have a 2 IR gun, just plug in two sensors. If you have a 4 IR sticker on the bottom barrel of your gun, then you need to use all 4 IRs. The bottom two can be looped underneath between the screen and the control deck.


 T2 IR Module Kit install and 19" Screen upgrade:

Connecting the Recoil Power Kit:


TIPS and other Info:

Hold Player 2 START + A + B buttons down for 3 seconds to enter the Retro Shooter menu screen. There is no reason to hit the button on the bottom of the console except to change resolutions.

There are two different T2 encoder boards that we have available: Basic and Deluxe. Both encoder boards support full navigation and controls with the Retro Shooter console both in normal and lightgun games. Most other controllers do NOT work in lightgun games.

The Basic encoder board supports one joystick, start and coin/select for Player 1 and Player 2, and four Player 1 action buttons.

The Deluxe encoder board supports a joystick, eight action buttons plus start and coin/select for both Player 1 and Player 2.

There are many controller features and options built in.


Ultimate Deck:

The Ultimate Deck comes with a feature to change the button assignment to be better suited for 4 button games. By default, the button assignment is:

D  E  F

A  B  C

To toggle to this 4 button mode, simply hold Player 1 START and Player 2 START and push the stick to the RIGHT. The new button assignment will be:

C  D  E

A  B  F

There is also a third mode that inverts the top and bottom rows. Hold Player 1 START and Player 2 START and push the stick to the RIGHT for a second time. The new button assignment will be:

A  B  C

D  E  F

To return to the previous modes, hold Player 1 START and Player 2 START and click the stick to the LEFT as many times as required.

Mode 1 will be the default every time you power on.