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All prices in USD. Most products have FREE shipping with min $50 purchase. When your order ships, tracking number email with be sent.
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Pixelcade Marquee for Ridge Racer, OutRun, Star Wars and F&F

Pixelcade Marquee for Ridge Racer, OutRun, Star Wars and F&F

Regular price $299.00 Unit price per

Pre-orders are SHIPPING! All pre-orders will include v2.0 of our Racing SD card AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ($25 value).

This new version will have support for Pixelcade dynamic marquees, new games and multi-player split screen games with much more controller support.

This is a simple Plug-and-Play kit for your Ridge Racer, OutRun, Star Wars or Fast & Furious mod kit. Show dynamic marquees for each title and category on our Gaming Box!

Installation time is under 30 minutes. Install videos for each arcade version to come.

Buy Stuff Arcades mod kit for your Arcade1up required does not work with stock Arcade1up machines.