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Racing and Yoke Encoder Board Cheat Sheet

There are lots of cool hidden options and features on our Encoder Boards for Arcade1up Ridge Racer, OutRun and StarWars mod kits. In fact, so many options, that it can be hard to remember them all.

So, here is a quick guide to the various options, how they work and how to activate them. If not all features work with your RR/OutRun encoder board, you might need to upgrade the encoder firmware. Visit our encoder board swap page to either order the new encoder board, or download the latest files for upgrading it yourself.

For purposes of this guide, for the Star Wars Yoke remember that A = RT, B = LT, X = RTh, and Y can be either LTh OR COIN.

START UP options.

These options ONLY work when first powering on the encoder board. The encoder will quickly check for these key combos when turning on and not again until re-powered. When using our Gaming Box, turning on the power switch will activate the encoder board. However, when using PC builds, remember that the encoder is powered via USB from your PC, so you will need to disconnect that USB to re-power the encoder board.

CALIBRATE the Pedals: HOLD A & B with the Pedals Down

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble twice to let you know to let go of the pedals. Otherwise let go after 2-3 seconds. If you hold them too long, simple reboot the machine and it will correct itself.

It is essential to calibrate your pedals because every set is slightly different. Some games will work and some will not with pedals that aren't calibrated. This should only need to be done once, but if you are having trouble starting games or getting them to work properly, Calibrate Your Pedals.

SWITCH R Stick and R Trigger Modes: HOLD START & A

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble once to let you know you are in Right Stick mode and twice to let you know you are in Right Trigger mode. Otherwise let go 2-3 seconds after turning on the power.

Right Stick mode is used with our Gaming Box. Most other PC or Console builds will use Right Trigger mode. You can switch back and forth as often as needed.

SWITCH Pedal Inverted Modes: HOLD START & B

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble once to let you know you are in Normal Pedal mode and twice to let you know you are in Inverted Pedal mode. Otherwise let go 2-3 seconds after turning on the power.

Inverted Pedal mode is used when mounting pedals upside down, so that the brake becomes the gas and vice versa. 

SWITCH PC Button Modes: HOLD START & COIN (LTh for SW)

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble once to let you know you are in Normal Button mode and twice to let you know you are in Enchanced Button mode. Otherwise let go 2-3 seconds after turning on the power.

Enhanced Button mode is used mainly with PC builds when you want to add more buttons to your control deck. To achieve that, the Toggle switch (volume switch) which normally functions as X and Coin (Y and Start on StarWars) gets switched with the LB and RB sockets on the encoder board. As a result, the Toggle switch becomes LB and RB buttons and the LB socket becomes X (SW=Y) and RB becomes COIN (SW=START). This allows for adding 3 more discrete buttons to the build.


When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble once to let you know pedals are active and twice to let you know pedals are disabled. Otherwise let go 2-3 seconds after turning on the power.

Disabling pedals is mainly used if you do not have pedals connected so that they don't create input interference. Generally, this is most common with the StarWars Yoke build when not using pedals and strictly playing the flying games.


When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble once to let you know Y Axis is normal and twice to let you know the Y Axis is inverted. Otherwise let go 2-3 seconds after turning on the power.

Y Axis inversion is only used for the flying Yoke controller and will change the Y Axis for all games. Generally, it is best to program the game controls properly when the Y Axis is in normal mode like we do with the Yoke Gaming Box.

Calibrate X & Y Axis: HOLD A or B and follow below:

It will not normally be necessary to calibrate the X or Y Axis, but could be required if changing from a GRS to Stock Yoke (or vice-versa) or some other unusual circumstance.

If you hold A when starting up for 1 second, the Rumble motor will indicate (if connected) and you need to turn the Yoke or Wheel fully to the LEFT and hold for 3 seconds.

If you hold B when starting up for 1 second, the Rumble motor will indicate (if connected) and you need to push the Yoke fully UP (ie. FORWARD) and hold for 3 seconds.


DURING PLAY options.

These options work at any time when the Gaming Box or PC is booted up with the Encoder Board connected. That includes in-game or in the menus. Keep in mind that he hot keys below will still cause interaction in the game, although will often trigger the pause function.

Sensitivity Adjustment: HOLD START & B and move Shifter Up or Down

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble with each adjustment and a longer rumble when max or min is hit. 

If the game you are playing is too "twitchy" and you would like to be able to move the wheel further to the right and left, then decrease the Sensitivity with Shifter Up. If you want to be able to turn the wheel less to achieve your turns, then increase the Sensitivity with Shifter Down.

Deadzone Adjustment: HOLD START and move Shifter Up or Down

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble with each adjustment and a longer rumble when max or min is hit. 

Deadzone is not the same as Sensitivity. Deadzone refers to a "dead" area at the middle of the wheel where the vehicle doesn't respond. To decrease that Deadzone so that the vehicle responds more quickly to the movement of the wheel, then hold Start and move the Shifter Up. To increase the deadzone, hit the Shifter Down.

There are some games that are virtually unplayable unless you decrease the deadzone because otherwise you can not make accurate micro adjustments.

Rumble Adjustment: HOLD START & A and move Shifter Up or Down

When a rumble motor is connected, it will rumble with each adjustment and a longer rumble when max or min is hit. 

Move the Shifter Up to increase the Rumble power and the Shifter Down to decrease Rumble, including all the way off. RR/OutRun Encoder boards v1.3 and later and Yoke Encoder boards have a much stronger Rumble function than earlier encoder boards.